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Half of adult Canadians take one or more prescription medication. Among patients with chronic disease, 37% take four or more prescription medications. 10% of patients with two or more chronic diseases report experiencing a medication error.

Medication errors include taking the wrong dose, mixing incompatible medications, taking medications at the wrong time, confusing one medication for another, and misunderstanding or forgetting the instructions provided by the pharmacy.

Eight participants who were taking multiple medications per day were interviewed to uncover common pain points in medication management.

Client: N/A

Role: UX Research, UI Design, Branding

Brief: Design a solution for users who require complex medication management.

We developed a simple interface that encompassed all the solutions to our participant's concerns. Step one was creating a user flow for adding in their medications. Users could name their medication and schedule their reminders similarly to how they would set any other regular alarm on their phone. Keeping this process familiar to users would make the process of learning this system much easier.

In regards to the medication interaction issues, MedGenius is designed to have a database of interaction knowledge that would automatically notify users of potential risks. Many of our participants had gotten this information from their doctors at the time of prescription, but did not keep that information handy day-to-day. Some had even had instances where they found themselves in a medical emergency because they had not had that information readily available.



